digital international No. 2, 2020 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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digital international No. 2, 2020

Zadnja izdaja

digital international No. 2, 2020

Cover / Editorial / Content / The art of a personalised smile design / Dental Anatomical Combinations—smile design harmony based on facial configuration / Immediate implant placement and restoration in fractured central incisor with external root resorption / Implantation in a case of severely reduced interproximal width of the alveolar ridge in the anterior upper jaw / Full-arch implant surgical and restorative considerations - Innovations in the digital workflow with the iJIG / IPS Implants Preprosthetics is a “useful addition for a specific patient group” / Interview: A new solution in the Field of digital workflows / Manufacturer News / Embracing the challenge of taking IDEM digital / Virtual Nobel Biocare Global Symposium breaks registration record / Practice strategies in the age of corona / Ten guiding principles as we recover from lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
