today CDA Anaheim, Calif. May 15, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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today CDA  Anaheim, Calif. May 15, 2014

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today CDA Anaheim, Calif. May 15, 2014

Something for everyone / Get out and see Orange County / LVI Core I three-day course designed for doctors and their teams to learn together / Check out Gelato Prophy Paste - NiteBite / Showcasing CariVu: A new approach to caries detection / TAUB Products rebrands the company - adds new product line / SharperPractice: The Bat Cave of dentistry / EyeSpecial C-II: A digital camera designed exclusively for dentistry / 38 years of implant solutions / Isolite delivers dental isolation technology / Utilizing a digital workflow for provisionalization with BioTemps / A new lightweight HD loupe for you / Family-owned Flow Dental expands digital imaging line / Your old NOMAD Dental could be worth savings on a new one /
