laser international No. 4, 2016 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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laser international No. 4, 2016

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laser international No. 4, 2016

Cover / Editorial / Content / Blue light laser-assisted crown lengthening in restorative dentistry / Thermal damage behaviour of human dental pulp stem cells / A variety of photocoagulation techniques / Er:YAG caries treatment according to minimally invasive therapy / An all-rounder with three wavelengths / Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic - Part VI: Video Testimonials and R.A.P.P.O.R.T. / Lasers as an asset in both daily practice and marketing / 25th International Annual DGL Congress - Laser technology continues to fascinate / Manufacturer News / News international / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laserzahnheilkunde - Editorial / 25. INTERNATIONALE JAHRESTAGUNG DER DGL / Imprint /
