laser international No. 3, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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laser international No. 3, 2012

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laser international No. 3, 2012

Cover / Editorial / Content / Effect of diode laser on enamel fissure system / Laser treatment of dentine hypersensitivity - An overview III / Diode lasers: The soft-tissue handpiece / Hygiene requirements for dental laser fibers / The use of the LiteTouch Er:YAG laser in peri-implantitis treatment / Up-to-date vestibuloplasty at the age of implant dentistry / Quantum Square Pulse Er:YAG lasers in clinical practice / Manufacturer News / 100th Annual FDI congress celebrated in Hong Kong / Study club honored for elevating educational standards in the New York City area / Barcelona meets laser specialists from more than 45 countries / German distributor files against dental laser manufacturer / News / Meetings / Imprint / Subscription /
