CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2014 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2014

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CAD/CAM international No. 3, 2014

Cover / Editorial / Content / Utilizing the Tempcap abutment with CAD/CAM / Intra-oral scanning with 3M True Definition Scanner - realisation with CARES / “One cannot just replace a technician with a machine” / Contribution of CAD/CAM technology to implant-supported screw-retained restorations / Immediate implantation and full-ceramic restoration in the maxillary anterior region / An implant-supported prosthetic restoration concept for edentulous atrophied maxillae / “It is fantastically simple!” In this interview - Vanik Kaufmann discusses the advantages of KaVo’s new ARCTICA CAD/CAM system / Planmeca and the University of Turku found Nordic Institute of Dental Education / Adentatec Competence in Dental / Ease of use meets restorative flexibility in the new NobelProcera Hybrid / Bionic restoration: Take the next step. Imitate nature. Imitate the best. / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
