CAD/CAM international - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM international

Zadnja izdaja

CAD/CAM international

Cover / Editorial / Case acceptance in complex-care dentistry / Use of an X-ray phantom in dental 3-D diagnostics in digital volume tomographs / The treatment of toothless jaws—A case for CAD/CAM / Three-unit - full-contour ceramic bridge in one sitting / Real-virtual modelling of CEREC temporary crowns: A new approach / An interview with Dr Steven Guttenberg & Dr John Flucke / CBCT applications in dental practice: A literature review / Combination of digital and analogue techniques / Step-by-step restoration with Tizian CAD/CAM / Haptic input improves digital dental restoration design / White Peaks Dental Systems / Meetings / International Events / Submission Guidelines / Imprint /
