CAD/CAM international No. 4, 2019 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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CAD/CAM international No. 4, 2019

Zadnja izdaja

CAD/CAM international No. 4, 2019

Cover / Editorial / Content / A multidisciplinary digital approach to a complex case / Full-arch implant surgical and restorative considerations / A fully digital workflow with 3D-printed provisional restorations / Restoring a smile to proper form and function / A challenge in dental computerised photogrammetry / All smiles for AI: How artificial intelligence can add value to orthodontic treatment / Use of CBCT bone densitometry for pre-surgical decision-making regarding immediate implant loading / Almost 70 per cent of my cases are performed with X-Guide / Interview: “Education remains a priority for the company” / Meetings / Submission guidelines / International imprint /
