Dental Tribune Slovenia - Submission guidelines

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Print Submission Guidelines

Print advertising specifications

Advertising formats in the various Dental Tribune, today and magazine publications vary from country to country. The exact ad size(s) and deadline will be provided by DTI in the order confirmation. However, the following general specifications must be met for all ad submissions:

  • A print-optimized PDF file with a picture resolution of at least 300 dpi must be provided.
  • Advertisements must be saved as CMYK separated.
  • To avoid color fluctuation, refrain from using color or printer presets and profiles.
  • The advertisement must be saved at 100% of its final size or must be scalable.
  • All advertisements must contain a 3 mm bleed.


Ad files must be submitted via email to

PR text specifications

Text requirements

  • Must be delivered in the respective language of the issue in which the text will be published.
  • Must be delivered as MS Word document (no PDFs).
  • Should have between 500 and 600 words.
  • Should be divided into headline (max. 100 characters, including spaces), introduction (max. 450 characters, including spaces) and main text (about 3,000 characters, including spaces).
  • Write in the third person. Avoid referring to your business as “I” or “we.”
  • Do not address the reader directly (“you”).
  • End the last paragraph with a call to action and include your contact details and/or website, which readers can consult for more information.
  • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.
  • Must include photo caption(s) and photo credit(s).

Editorial guideline

DTI’s objective is to educate readers about dental-related topics to help them make informed decisions about dental products. In order to help readers develop a positive association with your brand or product, your article should be composed of meaningful content and aim to entertain, educate, enlighten, or assist the reader. Pure advertising texts as for promotional purposes will jeopardize the success of your campaign as such articles are generally not very well received by our readership.

Note: The article is subject to approval and editing by DTI for grammar and editorial style.


Image requirements

  • At least one image should be provided, although a small selection of images is preferred.
  • Must be submitted separately (not in the MS Word document).
  • Format: TIFF or JPEG
  • Size: no smaller than 230 × 230 pixels
  • Resolution: at least 300 dpi
  • The image should not contain any logos or text


Files must be submitted via email to

Clinical article specifications

Text requirements

  • The complete article must be provided in one MS Word document.
  • The text should have between 1,500 and 5,500 words.
  • All image captions must be included in the MS Word document.
  • A complete list of references must be included in the MS Word document.
  • The author and contact information (author’s title, full name, short biographical sketch of 60 words or less), postal address and email address) must be included in the MS Word document.
  • Please refrain from using any special formatting. To emphasize certain words within the text, please use italics only; do not use underlining or a larger font size. Boldface is reserved for article headers.
  • Text must be single-spaced and aligned to the left margin.
  • Paragraphs should not be indented, and a blank line should be included between paragraphs.
  • Tab stops should not be used.
  • Abstracts are not to be included for clinical articles

Note: The article is subject to approval and editing by DTI for grammar and editorial style.

Image requirements

  • All images must be submitted separately (not in the MS Word document).
  • Images must be numbered consecutively throughout the article, e.g. “Fig. 1”, “Fig. 2”. Images that are to appear as a group must be numbered as “Fig. 1a”, “Fig. 1b”.
  • Images must be referred to within the article text. Place the image reference in brackets.
  • Format: TIFF or JPEG
  • Size: no smaller than 230 × 230 pixels
  • Resolution: at least 300 dpi
  • Larger image files (> 1 MB) are always better.
  • Please also submit a headshot of the author (JPEG or TIFF of at least 300 dpi).

Note: Please send the largest file available. Image files must be no smaller than 80 KB.


Files must be submitted via email to Large image files can be uploaded to the DTI cloud server. Please contact us for the link.

Digital Submission Guidelines

E-newsletter specifications

Banner requirements

  • Size:
    • Exclusive Newsletter  621 × 1,110 pixels (skyscraper)
    • Prime Newsletter Sponsor Nr. 1  621 × 1,110 pixels (skyscraper)
      Prime Newsletter Sponsor Nr. 2  621 × 555 pixels (rectangle)
    • Event Newsletter  621 × 555 pixels (rectangle)
    • Dental Business Newsletter 621 × 555 pixels (rectangle)
  • Format: JPEG or PNG
  • URL to which the banner has to be linked

Product text requirements

  • Text must include a product description of max. 1,000 characters, including spaces.
  • Text should be delivered as MS Word document (No PDFs).
  • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.

Product image requirements

  • Size: 1,925 × 1,350 pixels
  • Format: JPEG
  • Resolution: at least 72 dpi
  • The image should not contain any logos or text.
  • The image should differ from the article image and the banner.

Note: No products are included in the Dental Business News e-newsletter.

Article requirements

  • Must be delivered in the respective language of the region the e-newsletter will be sent to.
  • Should not exceed 600 words.
  • Must be delivered as MS Word document (no PDFs).
  • Should be divided into headline (max. 100 characters, including spaces), introduction (max. 450 characters, including spaces) and main text (about 3,000 characters, including spaces).
  • Write in the third person. Avoid referring to your business as “I” or “we”.
  • Do not address the reader directly (“you”).
  • End the last paragraph with a call to action (CTA) and include your website, which readers can consult for more information.
  • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.
  • Must include photo caption(s) and photo credit(s).

Editorial guideline

DTI’s objective is to educate readers about dental-related topics to help them make informed decisions about dental products. In order to help readers develop a positive association with your brand or product, your article should be composed of meaningful content and aim to entertain, educate, enlighten, or assist the reader. Pure advertising texts as for promotional purposes will jeopardize the success of your e-newsletter campaign as such articles are generally not very well received by our readership.

Note: The article is subject to approval and editing by DTI for grammar and editorial style.


Article image requirements

  • At least one image must be provided, although a small selection of images is preferred.
  • Ideally, the image of your article should differ from your banner.
  • Articles images should not include text or logos.
  • DTI strongly recommends using a generic image that fits the topic of your article.
  • The article image should differ from the product image and the banner.
  • Size: 1,920 × 1,080 pixels
  • Format: JPEG
  • Resolution: at least 72 dpi

Video requirements

Please note that videos can be included in news articles too.

Option 1: Videos can be included in the main text of the article.
Option 2: A video can be used as header video. A static image as specified under “Article image requirements” is still needed.

  • Format: MP4
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 in HD (1,920 × 1,080 pixels)
  • Embedding of videos via YouTube or Vimeo is also possible. Please provide us with the respective link.
  • Please provide a short description of at least 50 words for the video.


Please click here to view examples of


All files must be submitted via email to two weeks prior to the sending date of the e-newsletter. If the files are not submitted in time, placement in the newsletter or approval before execution cannot be guaranteed.

Event e-newsletter specifications

Banner requirements

  • Size: 621 × 555 pixels
  • Format: JPEG or PNG
  • URL to which the banner has to be linked

Product text requirements

  • Text must include a product description of max. 1,000 characters, including spaces.
  • Text should be delivered as MS Word document (no PDFs).
  • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.

Product image requirements

  • Size: 1,925 × 1,350 pixels
  • Format: JPEG
  • Resolution: at least 72 dpi
  • The image should not contain any logos or text.
  • The image should differ from the article image and the banner.

Article requirements

  • Must be delivered in the respective language of the region the e-newsletter will be sent to.
  • Should not exceed 600 words.
  • Must be delivered as MS Word document (no PDFs).
  • Should be divided into headline (max. 100 characters, including spaces), introduction (max. 450 characters, including spaces) and main text (about 3,000 characters, including spaces).
  • Try to tailor your article to the event.
  • Write in the third person. Avoid referring to your business as “I” or “we”.
  • Do not address the reader directly (“you”).
  • End the last paragraph with a call to action (CTA) and include your website, which readers can consult for more information. If you are an exhibitor, include your booth number.
  • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.
  • Must include photo caption(s) and photo credit(s).

Editorial guidelines

DTI’s objective is to educate readers about dental-related topics to help them make informed decisions about dental products. In order to help readers develop a positive association with your brand or product, your article should be composed of meaningful content and aim to entertain, educate, enlighten, or assist the reader. Pure advertising texts as for promotional purposes will jeopardize the success of your e-newsletter campaign as such articles are generally not very well received by our readership.

Note: The article is subject to approval and editing by DTI for grammar and editorial style.


Article image requirements

  • At least one image must be provided, although a small selection of images is preferred. Preferably, an on-site image is used for an on-site e-newsletter.
  • Ideally, the image of your article should differ from your banner.
  • Articles images should not include text or logos.
  • DTI strongly recommends using a generic image that fits the topic of your article.
  • The article image should differ from the product image and the banner.
  • Size: 1,920 × 1,080 pixels
  • Format: JPEG
  • Resolution: at least 72 dpi


All files must be submitted via email to two weeks prior to the sending date of the e-newsletter. If the files are not submitted in time, placement in the newsletter or approval before execution cannot be guaranteed.

E-Blast specifications

HTML file for e-blasts

  • The coding must be prepared as a mailing, not as a website.
  • Do not create single-picture mails. In case the image is not showing, the recipient will miss the entire message.
  • Always use in-line CSS styles rather than classes.
  • Avoid external (<link rel=“stylesheet”>) or embedded style sheets (those contained within the <style> tag above the <body> tag). Many email services disable external style sheets and cut everything above the <body> tag.
  • Do not use tag attributes on the <body> tag. Most email services ignore the <body> tag.
  • Use basic HTML tables. Otherwise, your e-blast will not work across different email browsers and clients.
  • Do not use coding shortcuts. For example, when styling CSS, specify the value of each property separately rather than grouping properties in one shortcut code, i.e. use “border-width: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000;” rather than “border: 5px solid red;”). For both HTML and CSS, use all six hexadecimal digits (#ffffff and #000000).
  • The width of the e-blast should not exceed 1,000 pixels to ensure it is shown properly in email clients. We recommend a width between 600 and 850 pixels.
  • Do not use short URLs because email clients tend to mark these as spam.
  • Do not use JavaScript

Image, background and font guidelines

  • Image format: JPEG, PNG or GIF
  • The total file size of all images must not exceed 300 KB.
  • Avoid background images because they are not fully supported across all email clients and will not display for all users.
  • Avoid image maps because rely on technology that is not supported by many email browsers.
  • Avoid animated GIFs because they are not fully supported across all email platforms, and most will display only the first frame of the animation.
  • Be careful with spliced images. If you place a large spliced image into your HTML using table cells or <img> tags right next to each other. Some email clients may add extra spaces between the images.
  • Use web-safe fonts because they are likely to be present on a wide range of computer systems. A list of web-safe fonts can be found here

Guidelines for responsive design

  • Write mobile-specific CSS.
  • Target different devices with media queries. Over 50% of our online readers use smartphones.
  • The font size of the <body> text should have between 22 and 28 pixels and headlines should have between 15 and 18 pixels.
  • Images should only be compressed to a level, at which the image is still clearly displayed. However, the file size must remain small.
  • Use single-column layouts.
  • Buttons should at least have 44 to 46 pixels in width and height.

Subject line of e-blast

  • The subject line should not exceed 40 characters, including spaces.
  • Aggressive marketing jargon should be avoided in the subject line.
  • Open questions, commands, announcements, a call to action will attract the attention of the reader.


The e-blast must be submitted as HTML file with the respective image files via email to two weeks prior to the sending date.

Banner specifications

Banner formats


Skyscraper vertical Skyscraper horizontal
(w × h; pixels)
621 × 555 621 × 1,110 1,300 × 450 1,920 × 1,440
Max. file size < 200 KB < 300 KB < 500KB < 500 KB


Prime rectangle

(w × h; pixels)
1,980 × 600 860 × 484 upon request
Max. file size < 500 KB < 500 KB < 500 KB


Banner requirements

  • Size: according to banner format mentioned above
  • Format: JPEG, PNG or GIF. Animated GIF possible for rectangle, skyscraper and pop-up banners.
  • Please provide the URL to which the banner will be linked.

Note: The rectangle and skyscraper banners are standard banner options and can be placed anywhere on the website. The prime rectangle banner
has a prominent placement at the top of the website.

A pop-up banner overlays the webpage the reader is currently looking at. The banner needs to be either closed or clicked in order for the reader
to continue navigating through the website. This is the most aggressive banner type and is most suitable for exclusive campaigns. Similarly, the
billboard banner appears at the bottom of the webpage and disappears automatically after some seconds. An attractive alternative is the
wallpaper banner, which stays at the bottom of the page and does not obstruct the view of the reader.

Tips for banner ad design

  • Add your company logo to build brand awareness.
  • Keep content and visuals simple.
  • Add a clear visible call to action, for instance “Learn more” or “Get started”.
  • Format your headline and body copy in different sizes. All copy should be four lines or less.
  • Don’t use italics, extremely thin fonts, ALL CAPS, or font sizes smaller than a 10 pt.


All files must be submitted via email to

Partner Content Distribution Package


  • Company name, address (street, postal code, city, country), telephone number, email address, website
  • Introduction: short description of the company in one sentence (motto, slogan)
  • Company description of max. 1,000 characters, including spaces
  • Company logo (Format: JPEG or PNG; Resolution: at least 72 dpi)
  • Social Media Links: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vimeo (if available)
  • Files for download section (e.g. product catalogue as PDF; file size should not exceed 10 MB)


  • Product text requirements
    • Text must include a product description of max. 1,000 characters, including spaces.
    • Text should be delivered as MS Word document (no PDFs).
    • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.
  • Product image requirements
    • Size: 1,925 × 1,350 pixels
    • Format: JPEG
    • Resolution: at least 72 dpi
    • Ideally, the image should have a white background.
    • The image should not contain any logos or text.


Article text requirements

  • Text can be delivered in the following languages: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish (other languages upon request).
  • Should not exceed 600 words.
  • Must be delivered as MS Word document (no PDFs).
  • Should be divided into headline (max. 100 characters, including spaces), introduction (max. 450 characters, including spaces) and main text (about 3,000 characters, including spaces).
  • Write in the third person. Avoid referring to your business as “I” or “we”.
  • Do not address the reader directly “you”.
  • End the last paragraph with a call to action (CTA) and include your website, which readers can consult for more information.
  • Always leave out trademarks such as ® or ™ in the text.
  • Must include photo caption(s) and photo credit(s).

Editorial guideline: DTI’s objective is to educate readers about dental-related topics to help them make informed decisions about dental products. In order to help readers develop a positive association with your brand or product, your article should be composed of meaningful content and aim to entertain, educate, enlighten, or assist the reader. Pure advertising texts as for promotional purposes are generally not very well received by our readership.

Note: The article is subject to approval and editing by DTI for grammar and editorial style.

Article image requirements

  • At least one image must be provided, although a small selection of images is preferred.
  • Articles images should not include text or logos.
  • DTI strongly recommends using a generic image that fits the topic of your article.
  • The image should not contain any logos or text.
  • Size: 1,920× 1,080 pixels
  • Format: JPEG
  • Resolution: at least 72 dpi




  • Format: MP4
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 in HD (1,920 × 1,080 pixels)
  • Embedding of videos via YouTube or Vimeo is also possible. Please provide us with the respective link.
  • Please provide a short description of at least 50 words for the video.
  • Preview image for the video (Size: 1,920 × 1,080 pixels; Format: JPEG)


  • At least three to four images should be delivered to create a separate photo gallery.
  • Photo captions and photo credits must be delivered for all images.
  • Format: JPEG
  • Size: 1,920 × 1,080 pixels
  • Resolution: at least 72 dpi


  • Event title
  • Event description
  • Start and end date
  • Event location (address)
  • Event website
  • Event image (Size: 1,920 × 1,080 pixels; Format: JPEG; Resolution: at least 72 dpi) + image credit and caption


All webinars that your company conducts via the Dental Tribune Study Club or your own CE Campus will be automatically shown in this section. If you are interested in sponsoring a webinar, please do not hesitate to contact us.


All print publications in which your company has advertised will be automatically show this section. If you are interested in booking advertisements, please do not hesitate to contact us.


All files must be submitted via email to

DTI Digital Disposition Team +49 341 48474 108

Education Submission Guidelines

Webinar specifications

Technical requirements

  • computer with access to the internet
  • a high-quality webcam
  • a headset with a microphone (please make sure the presenter uses a high-quality headset, as the audio is vital during a live webinar)
  • wired internet connection (the presenter should NOT use a wireless internet connection, as such connections are unstable and may interrupt the presentation)

Webinar online submission form

The online form must be completed for each new webinar. It can be found at The following information is mandatory:

  • date, time and timezone of the webinar (please make sure to indicate whether the webinar will take place a.m. or p.m.)
  • webinar title
  • webinar description and excerpt (about 300 characters, including spaces)
  • full name(s), email address(es) and phone number(s) of the speaker(s)
  • high-resolution photograph(s) (300 dpi) of the speaker(s) (Size: at
    least 1,000 × 1,000 pixels)
  • company logo (for sponsored webinars)
  • CE quiz (at least three multiple choice questions with at least three possible answers are necessary)

Note: The completed form should be made available no later than 4 weeks prior to the live webinar. However, the sooner you have all the information, the sooner we can start promoting the webinar.


All files for webinars must be submitted via the online submission form as specified above. Any questions can be referred to
