today IDEM Singapore April 19–21, 2024 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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today IDEM Singapore April 19–21, 2024

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today IDEM Singapore April 19–21, 2024

IDEM emerges as the pinnacle event in dental innovation for Asia Pacific / Interview with Mathias Küpper about the magic behind IDEM Singapore 2024: “IDEM stands out from other shows with its unparalleled focus on fostering innovation, collaboration and education” / “IDEM is putting scientific advancements in dentistry front and centre this year” - Clinical duo Drs David and Davey Alleman share their secrets to success. / “Dental surgeons have an important role to play in identifying patients at risk of OSA” - An expert in sleep medicine offers guidance for treating OSA. / “I anticipate dental clinics being redesigned to optimise ergonomics” - An interview with Dr Lisha Jain on zero concept dental ergonomics. / Business / “Oral health awareness is generally low in Singapore” - Dr Pei Yuan Chan’s research helps clinicians treat their ageing patients. / News / Industry / Floor plan / List of exhibitors / What’s on in Singapore, IDEM 2024, 19–21 April /
