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Ortho Tribune U.S.

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Ortho Tribune U.S.

Bracing myself for the future / Looking beyond just teeth… / News / A family affair (continued from page 1) / Three-dimensional diagnosis & treatment planning: The use of 3-D facial imaging and 3-D cone beam CT in orthodontics and dentistry / Research / ‘You manage your patients; we’ll manage your business’ / Macs give offices new computing freedom: It’s no longer Mac vs. PC / The outlook for 2008: A risk management perspective / How to avoid the financial “death zone” / Don’t let one bad apple spoil the practice / Stress in orthodontics! (part 4 of 5) / How to reach your orthodontic growth potential / Practice / Walking through the fire / The balance between popularity and profitability (continued from page 21) / Bracing myself for the future (continued from page 1) / Orthodontic specialty day at the GNYDM took center stage / ‘We were not interested in promoting gadgets… but rather exploring consequential issues’ / Events / Products & Practice / Classifieds /
