ortho international No. 1, 2016 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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ortho international No. 1, 2016

Zadnja izdaja

ortho international No. 1, 2016

Cover / Editorial / Content / Short-term gains… long-term problems? / “An elegant and efficient approach” / eCligner—aesthetic orthodontic appliance / Vibration therapy in orthodontics: Realising the benefits / Avoiding common problems in tooth extractions / Trial of a new rapid palatal expansion screw / From straightforward to complex cases / The power of precision / Rapid maxillary expansion: small details make the difference / Shortening treatment time by using OrthoPulse / “We will be able to treat pretty much everything in the future” / Products / Meetings - Nobel Biocare Global Symposium / International Events / Submission guidelines / Imprint /
